Benefits to the Developers

There are many reasons why Developers are turning to steel framing:

Increase your Bottom-Line through ABS:

  • Generate revenue sooner (minimum 2 Weeks/Level off the construction schedule)
  • Lower holding and operating cost
  • Raise the CAP rate by a minimum of 1/2 point
  • Lower Insurance Premium by up to 75%
  • Higher replacement value
  • Higher ROI
  • Increase density up to 11 story.
  • High strength results in safer structures, less maintenance and slower aging of structure.
  • Fire safety – doesn’t burn or add fuel to the spread of a building fire.
  • Not vulnerable to termites.
  • Not vulnerable to any type of fungi or organism, including mold.
  • Less probability of foundation problems – less weight results in less movement.
  • Less probability of damage in an earthquake.
  • Lighter structure with stronger connections results in less seismic force.
  • Less probability of damage in high winds.
  • Stronger connections, screwed versus nailed.
  • Longer building’s lifespan.

ABS VS Wood Cost Analysis (4-5 Story Construction)



